Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Professor Muhammad Yunus is a Founder and Managing Director of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh.
His bank does the unthinkable and only lends to the poor!

.trust in the human potential.

"You teach elegant theories in the classroom, telling your students how to handle economic problems, how to resolve them, how to bring development...and you walk out of the classroom and see people dying of hunger, not because of disease, just not having enough to eat."


Wednesday, 21 October 2009

A bit of inspiration

Doing a project at Uni on Apple, so been doing some research into their advertising, found this..

Mentions nothing about RAM speed or processors, it's all about the attitude of the brand, great ad. It's also worth checking out their '1984' ad, another classic.

Stay Classy.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009


This looks like a really  interesting festival, its a mini fesival that spreads across Cardiff city in a vareity of locations lasting for a few days.
Here are a few songs from some of the acts.

The Leisure Society


To check out the facebook site for this event click SWM FESTIVAL

Waltz with bashir

A stunning film i saw yesterday, it had everything i want in a film, beautiful camera shots, animation, amazing music and one hell of a script!

For more info click Waltz with Bashir

Thursday, 15 October 2009



I love animation and street art, so when i find stuff like this i'm amazed.

This is a pretty good piece i found a while back.

Florence and the Machine

OK now i dont really listen to this band but this is a ill remix!

I had the love